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North-facing solar panels

When considering installing solar panels, many people think that a roof must face south to take full advantage of solar energy and solar panels facing north have no zing. While it is true that south-facing roofs produce the best yield, this does not mean that you cannot install solar panels if your roof faces north. In this blog post, we explore the options and strategies for getting the most out of north-facing solar panels.

Although solar panels on the north receive less sunlight compared to those on the south, they can still produce a significant amount of electricity. This is because solar panels today are becoming increasingly efficient and capable of capturing diffused light as well. In addition, placing solar panels facing north can offer benefits such as being a strong solar energy booster for production during the day. This can be especially beneficial for households or businesses with energy demand that does not rely heavily on peak afternoon hours. In addition, placing solar panels on the north side can help make the best use of the available roof space, especially in situations where the south-facing roof does not provide enough surface area. So, while north-facing solar panels may not be the ideal option for maximum yield, they can still be a cost-effective and sustainable solar energy booster for those who want to take advantage of solar energy even in less favorable conditions.

Understand the operation of north-facing solar panels

Although north-facing solar panels receive less direct sunlight than south-facing panels, they can still generate energy. Modern solar panels are designed to capture diffused light, which means they can produce energy even when the sun is not shining directly. Although the yield will be lower, it is still possible to achieve meaningful energy savings.

Optimize the slope angle

Adjusting the tilt angle of the solar panels can help in maximizing solar energy yield. North-facing solar panels usually have an inclination closer to the latitude of your location. By tilting the panels to an angle between 10 and 20 degrees, you can take advantage of better sunlight exposure during the day.

Increase the number of panels

To increase overall energy output, consider installing more solar panels than you normally would on a roof with an optimal orientation. While this initially requires a higher investment, it can result in higher annual energy production and ultimately a shorter payback period.

Combine with other renewable energy sources

If your roof faces north and you still want to reduce your energy footprint, consider combining solar panels with other renewable energy sources, using the panels as the perfect solar energy booster. For example, installing a solar water heater can help meet your hot water needs, while a wind turbine on your property can generate additional electricity.

Take advantage of local incentives

Several regions and countries offer incentives and subsidies to promote solar energy adoption. Check with local governments and energy companies about any financial benefits you can take advantage of when installing solar panels. This support can help reduce initial costs and shorten the payback period.


While it’s ideal to have solar panels facing south, a north-facing roof doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of solar energy. By applying the right strategies and maximizing available sunlight hours, you can still benefit from renewable energy generation and savings on your electric bill. Remember to seek professional advice and compare quotes from different installers to find the best solution that fits your situation.